Key Speaker

The Honorable Kathy Castor

U.S. Representative (FL-14)

Discussion Summary

On August 15, 2024, U.S. Representative Kathy Castor (FL-14) met with 14 travel leaders in Tampa Bay, Florida to discuss our industry’s priorities, including the FAA reauthroization bill, the innovative facial identity verification technology at TSA airport checkpoints, and the need to lower wait times for U.S. visitor visas. 

Notably, the Congresswoman addressed the need for improvements to security lines, visas and infrastructure. She also mentioned how she believes that these investments among others are important in order to keep visitors returning to the Tampa Bay area. 


  • Jason Aughey, Tampa Bay Sports Commission
  • Stewart Clark, Busch Gardens
  • Santiago C. Corrada, Visit Tampa Bay
  • Adam DePiro, Visit Tampa Bay
  • Lisa Greenwood, ZooTampa
  • Mark Haney, ZooTampa
  • Patrick Harrison, Visit Tampa Bay
  • Greg Holland, Straz Center
  • Curtis Kellogg, Visit Tampa Bay
  • JoLynn Lokey, Visit Tampa Bay
  • Tyler Martinolich, Film Tampa Bay
  • Bob Morrison, HCHMA
  • Andrew Newhart, US Travel

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